La Befana's
Intuitive Consulting
Psychic Phone Reading

La Befana's


Intuitive Consulting

Psychic Phone Readings



La Befana's Specialty Products are currently in the process of
moving locations and will be available soon.
At this time, you can purchase through Our Web-site,
"La Befana's Blessing Oil "

To accommodate our customers and clients while going through this process,
Please see La Befana's Recommends List below.

La Befana's Recommends

Below you will find some products/items I enjoy and would recommend. In each link I give a small description about the product. As you know, you can always review and research each in further detail.
I will be continually updating this page.
Please take a look, make a purchase and enjoy!

Amazon is known as the Most Secure Site and for Great Prices.
When You Make Your Purchase,

You will be redirected through Amazons Secure Site'...

For those of you who want to "Revive" yourself,
please view the below video and take a stroll through
La Befana's Gift Shop.
Although it's just a quick walk through from a customers eyes,
I thought I would share it with you.
We can't wait to find our new location.


Copyright ©2020 LA BEFANA'S

Copyright ©2007 LA BEFANA'S